Cookie Policy

Cookie Statement

Since our Website uses "cookies", we would like to inform you about the different types of cookies we use and which cookies our service providers use and how you can manage and block cookies.

What are cookies? What types of cookies are there?
Cookies are small text files that your browser receives when you visit a website, and that are saved for a be stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone for a certain period of time. In these text files, information is saved such as your language preference or your login details for a website. Visit the website at a later time again? Then the website can immediately apply your language preference or you can register automatically.

Functional cookies - Purpose: Basic service, always mandatory
Functional cookies are cookies that store the preferences of website visitors for the purpose of to increase usability. They are often necessary for the proper functioning of a website. Think for example to websites with a login functionality or shopping cart. Cookies then remember that you as user logged in, or have placed items in the shopping cart. For example, with a multilingual website, the language preference or country preference of the visitor can be remembered.

Analytical cookies - Purpose : Statistics, optional
Does a website use analytical cookies? Statistical data is then processed about the use of the website. This is very useful for continuing to develop websites. You can find out which information visitors find useful or unnecessary. Analytical cookies, for example, keep track of how often a website is visited or how often an article on a news site is read. They can also track from which region the website visitors mainly come from, as well as whether the mobile version of the website is more popular than the desktop version or not.

Tracking cookies - Purpose : Statistics, optional
Tracking cookies are used to build a profile of the website visitor. Based on this, there can for example, a modified version of the website is shown. These cookies follow your surfing behavior so that you even while browsing other websites, receive personalized offers or advertisements. Like this it may happen that you see a previously viewed webshop article reappear on other websites.
Social sharing buttons in websites often use tracking cookies. It is therefore important that you take this into account in your privacy and cookie policy.

First party cookies versus third party cookies* : Purpose : Statistics tracking, optional
First-party cookies are cookies that are created and sent by the website you are browsing. The information therefore goes to the website administrator itself.
There are also third party cookies. These cookies are placed when a website contains elements from a third party. For example, think of embedded videos, social media widgets, advertisements or integrated software. The external party then sends cookies from its own servers.
* For cookies placed by third parties (such as Google Analytics), please refer to the statements made by these parties on their respective websites. Please note: we have no influence whatsoever on the content of those statements or on the content of the cookies of these third parties.
Transfer to outside the EEA via the following organisation. 
Google Analytics – USA (Standard Contractual Clauses)
Facebook – USA (Standard Contractual Clauses)
LinkedIn – USA (Standard Contractual Clauses) 
Hubspot – USA (standard contractual clauses and EU data center)

How can you disable cookies?
It is possible to disable cookies via the browser settings. Please note that it is possible that certain page elements are no longer displayed correctly when cookies are disabled, although we do everything we can to make the use of the website as smooth as possible.

Rights of the visitors
Since cookies can constitute processing of personal data, you as a data subject have the right to lawful and secure processing of personal data. More information about the rights of visitors can also be found in the Privacy Statement.

What cookies do we use? List Settings?

Functional cookies

  • lamcoservices_session => Registers a unique ID. Used to enhance the user's browsing experience to make it more enjoyable and to improve the website  against web threats. (expires after 60 minutes)
  • XSRF-TOKEN =>  Registers a unique ID. Used to protect the website from web threats protect (expires after 60 minutes).
  • cookie_preferences => Let the website know whether or not you wish to accept the cookies. (expires after 60 days).

Analytical cookies

  • _gat_gtag_[property_id] => Registers a unique ID used to track surfing behavior and other information of visitors (expires immediately).
  • _gid => Registers a unique ID is used to track the surfing behavior and other information of visitors analyze. (expires after 1 day).
  • _ga => Registers a unique ID is used to track the surfing behavior and other information of visitors analyze. (expires after 2 years).

Tracking cookies

  •  Not applicable.