IT management solutions

As a multi-service provider (MSP) of Manage Engine ICT solutions, we ensure that our team delivers the following:


Ensure each customer's business runs smoothly 24x7, perform routine hardware maintenance tasks to avoid downtime and failures, and provide ongoing helpdesk and remote IT support.


Ensure service continuity and remain highly responsive when needed by adapting IT changes quickly and avoiding downtime. Deliver the required amount of services and support when needed and resolve any IT issues immediately.



Continuously monitor servers and websites to prevent security breaches. Automate security patches and software updates and alert customers immediately in case of irregularities. Maintain business continuity, prevent any type of data loss and focus on data backup and disaster recovery.


Inform customers about the expiry dates of their software licences, keep customers' payment information secure and ensure that customers' security practices are in line with current rules and regulations.

Remote management

Effectively manage your customers' IT infrastructure from anywhere, at any time, and enable remote working for their distributed workforce.

Manage your IT infrastructure efficiently with:

  • Multi-tenant architecture.
  • Multi-channel support.
  • Complete visibility into the status of customer networks.
  • Customizable customer dashboards.
  • Time registration and simplified SLA management.
  • Instant, reliable advanced remote management.
  • Round-the-clock network monitoring.
  • Critical data protection for sensitive information.

Lamco Services: your venture capital provider

Resources and support are key for the self-employed and SMEs. 
We start where banks stop!